Documentary Film Screening

Episodes Screening Feb. 12, Mar. 1, Mar. 25 and Apr. 15

Across is the story of what happens when we set aside our politics and witness the humanity and faith of asylum seekers firsthand. Filmed in Honduras, Texas, and Illinois, this four-part docuseries follows three women and their children who escaped abuse and violence in Honduras and Guatemala, and a Midwestern church that experienced a complete transformation in their hearts when they stopped seeing these families as news headlines and started treating them like brothers and sisters in Christ.


Episodes 1-3 already have been shown.
Even if you missed them, do join us for Episode 4—you’ll be able to pick up the storyline quickly!
(Or catch up on Episodes 1-3

Episode 4

When: Mon., 4/15 at 6:30-8:30 p.m. - Including live Q+A with the film’s director/producer
and local leaders of church-based ministries among people seeking asylum

Arizona State University’s MIX Center (50 N. Centennial Way, Mesa, 85201)
Free parking is available on all sides of the MIX Center, with the main lobby entrance along Pepper Place


  • Julie Mirlicourtois is the director and producer of Across. For 15 years, she produced award-winning human interest stories viewed by millions for CBS News and Oprah Winfrey. She also is the co-creator and executive producer of the popular podcast Maybe God.

  • Rev. Flor Granillo is the pastor at Iglesia Aliento, a new ministry growing in the heart of Phoenix. The vision of this ministry is to help families who are relocating from different countries to Phoenix looking for asylum. Iglesia Aliento shows them love, walking with them until they are self-sustainable and able to help others. 

  • Kody Kness has held leadership positions in faith-based non-profits, churches, and ministries, and served in the U.S. Senate, two state legislatures, and a federal agency, working on behalf of marginalized and vulnerable communities, including refugees and asylum seekers. Kness currently serves as Chaplain at Hospice of the Valley, Professor at the Justice College, and serves in ministry at The Grove church. Kness holds a Master of Divinity, and a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies. 

YES, you can watch any of the four episodes, anytime, here!